
Play Pataphysics music

Patatap is a portable animation and sound kit created by Jono Brandel e Lullatone. With the touch of a finger create melodies charged with moving shapes. While easy to pick up there is a wide range of possibilities. Switch between multiple color palettes and matching soundscapes on the fly. Whether its on your laptop, desktop, mobile phone, or tablet Patatap invites creators of all ages to engage the mind and senses in a different type of creation process.

The motivation behind Patatap is to introduce the medium of Visual Music to a broad audience. Artists working in this field vary in discipline but many aim to express the broader condition of Synesthesia, in which stimulation of one sensory input leads to automatic experiences in another. Hearing smells or seeing sounds are examples of possible synesthesia. In the case of Patatap, sounds trigger colorful visual animations.

The history behind the aesthetic expression of synesthesia arose from the paintings of Piet Mondrianand Wassily Kandinsky and the early videos of Viking Eggeling and Norman McLaren, to the contemporary animations of Oskar Fischinger and softwares of C.E.B. Reas. Patatap takes elements from all these visionaries and aims to present this concept in a direct way.


You can play on your desktop with the keyboard

keys: q, w, e, r, t, y, u, i, o, p, a, s, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, z , x, c, v, b, n, m. 

To change types of sound press: SPACE


You can open Patatap in a single page: Here

You can also buy Patatap for $01,99 on Appstore and play off-line.

patatap demo

Write the keys of your composition in the comments and let enjoy others with your imaginary solutions. HA!